Succeed with Krav Maga Somerset

Welcome to our Krav Maga Somerset Reviews page, where real experiences speak louder than words. Discover first hand accounts from our dedicated Krav Maga practitioners who have embraced the empowering journey of self-defence and physical fitness. From beginners to seasoned enthusiasts, read about the transformative impact Krav Maga has had on individuals’ lives. Gain insights into our expert instructors, the dynamic training environment, and the sense of community that sets Krav Maga Somerset apart. Whether you’re considering joining our classes or simply curious about the experiences of others, these reviews provide a glimpse into the effectiveness and uniqueness of Krav Maga Somerset.

Excellent group and instructor
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Excellent group and instructor , I’ve only recently joined and look forward to progressing in time , I have time to train after work and this is a fantastic activity which will help get me fit and also give me skills in self defence which is a bonus as for me , I cannot go to a gymnasium and work alone ,I like the guidance and working as a team, can’t believe how lucky to have this near work

William Van Lierop
its like a family
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I was apprehensive, unsure of what to expect on my initial introduction to Krav Maga. Greeted by Mark Edwards, who listened to my experience, which was nil and expectations which was to loose weight and have some idea of self defence, which was going to be a challenge for both of us. My motivation was very limited, not having much spare time, but as each week passed, my enthusiasm grew. I felt I had a chance of having and being able to achieve goals. 2 years on and I still love the personal challenges, learning each time. The camaraderie and friendship with fellow Kravists, has grown not only at the Krav sessions. but outside too, its like a family with enjoyable although sometimes challenging, fun, well worth trying, you have nothing to loose. Thank you Mark Edwards. .

Mark Howden
the club members are very supportive
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I’ve been in Marks class for over 5 years. I’ve stayed so long because I really enjoy the atmosphere, the training and the club. There is always something new to learn and Mark is an excellent instructor. Have had so many humorous moments and your fitness will improve, so don’t be afraid that you might find it hard to begin with, the club members are very supportive.

Peter Ball
a fantastic and patient teacher
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I joined Krav Maga over 2 years ago and it was definitely the best decision ever. Having previously taken part in kickboxing where most classes I’d be hit and not understand how to defend myself. Mark is such a fantastic and patient teacher and through brilliant (sometimes intense!) drills helps us condition ourselves in preparation for real life situations you hope will never occur. I could be considered vulnerable due to my gender and height but from doing Krav Maga I have developed the confidence and skills to ensure I ‘get home safe’. I can’t thank nor recommend joining Mark’s Krav Maga classes enough.

Ellis Lowe
I would highly recommend
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I would highly recommend Krav Maga to anyone of any age or fitness, it will get you fitter and have fun doing it whilst learning new skills with great club members. Mark Edwards is an excellent instructor with vast experience and knowledge, he is one of the best to learn from.

Andy Morton
friendly & welcoming
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I started my Krav Maga journey 18 months ago, in Bridgwater, and did not know what to expect. What I found, was a group of amazing members, and an amazing instructor in Mark, plus also Liza in Wells. Not only have the sessions educated me in true self defence, but they have had many other positive benefits, not just improving my fitness, but also drastically improving my mental health, stabilising my anxiety and depression, improving my day to day awareness and situational responces, and pushing my body to it’s limit. I now regularly attend both the Bridgwater and the Wells classes, and have also attended Taunton, with all 3 groups being equally friendly and welcoming. I really cannot recommend even just trying a session enough.

Garthy D
his skills and knowledge are incredible
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Mark is awesome instructor and his passion for Krav Maga and teaching it really shows, his skills and knowledge are incredible! His ways of teaching are extremely effective and make it easy to pick up. He also makes every session fun and exciting whilst learning. Iv learnt so much already in a short space of time and would recommend this class to anyone no matter what your age or fitness level. Mark and the class are all very welcoming and and everybody helps you out I was made to fit in and feel part or the team straight away.

Chris Fowler